Saturday, November 12, 2005

A Little Lazy

I haven't posted for over a week. I started to do a post a few days ago and my computer froze...then I never got back to it. I have been insanely busy this week. I started my first week of radiation and it sucks! It really does. It is such a pain in the rear to say the least. I do at least a 40 minute drive round trip everyday to get my kids to my sisters, then I have to drive to the cancer center, then go pick up the kids and drive clear back home on the other side of town. All this for a 10-minute radiation treatment. My "table time" as they call it, is at 9:20 in the morning. I am NOT a morning type of gal and getting there is a major strain. I suppose we will get in to the routine of it...but right now I just hate it!

I got tattooed on Tuesday after the final mapping. I think I got a total of six tattoos, some of which I can't see. I had to lay in the body mold for 45 minutes without moving while they did the final fine-tuning of the radiation points. It was terribly uncomfortable and the mold was poking into my bum. Again there were about four people in the room "helping" to get things just right and moving "things" around. There's nothing like laying on a table in a room full of people with no top on and strangers drawing on your chest!

I have been very tired this week...not chemo tired, but a different type of tired...body tired. I don't know if that makes any sense! I don't feel sick like I did with chemo, just tired and worn out. I have been going to bed early, which is very unusual for me. The other thing that sucks with radiation is the burn. It feels like a deep, achy sunburn, and it's sore. It also feels like engorgement...a strange feeling when you haven't just had a baby!

I have sooo much to write about...good things, but I am too tired and I will have to continue tomorrow! Austa La Pasta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The radiation will make you very tired. You'll start sleep a LOT. lolol Still, i'd rather go through radiation than chemo. Chemo was just awful.

I am glad that you are doing pretty good! Keep us updated on how it's going! :)

About Me

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Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
I am a 36 year old woman, married to a great guy, and together we have three beautiful daughters. I am a three and a half year breast cancer survivor. This past year I have become active in the cause of helping those who are batteling cancer!