Friday, August 05, 2005

A Better Day

I wanted to write because today was a much better day than yesterday! My sister-in-law came over today and we got the kids lunch and took them to the river for a picnic and to feed the geese. It felt SO good to get out of the house and watch the girls run and play. I felt a million times better today...I actually felt a live and well. It's amazing to me that one day I can feel like I'm on the brink of death and the next I felt alive, I feel "good".

I loved watching my beautiful girls feed the geese. My two year old would scream with excitment everytime one ate her bread. My four year old was off trying to feed a squirl. It wasn't too hot and the day was beautiful. I felt fulfilled as a mother watching my girls have fun, get fresh air, and excercise. They are my reason to live and and get well. Tonight after my husband got home we took them to the park. They played hard and we enjoyed watching and playing with them. It was a good day. Anytime I feel good enough to go out is a good day.

People are kind. They watch me, they either smile kindly or hurry and look away. I don't wear a wig....I hate the thing. I mostly wear scarves or hats or turban type hearwear. I feel more comfortable that way. The wig feels like a tight pair of jeans on my head and gives me a roaring headache! It's hot and itchy and I feel like it looks "fake". I have gotten used to just wearing a hat. It's been interesting watching other's reactions to me. I almost don't even notice anymore. I'm a pretty self-assured person so it really hasn't bothered me, it has just taught me a good life lesson on how to treat others who are different.

Another thing I wanted to mention was my photostream on Flickr. I finally got some pictures up if anyone is interested. They are on a group called "Too Sexy for my Hair". It's a great site for people who have cancer. The link is:
I want to hear your comments!

I must go to bed! Goodnight!

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About Me

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Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
I am a 36 year old woman, married to a great guy, and together we have three beautiful daughters. I am a three and a half year breast cancer survivor. This past year I have become active in the cause of helping those who are batteling cancer!