Monday, August 01, 2005


I just started a new chemo drug called Taxol on Thursday. I don't feel as sick to my stomach like I did on the A/C but I feel so much more tired and achy. I keep getting little stabbing pains in my extremities and my hands and feet are killing me. The day after treatment, I could barely walk. I have this rash that runs on the inside of my arms and my face. I am SOO tired I can't even describe it. I slept for the past two days. Thank good my niece and husband have been home to take care of the kids. I feel helpless at times. My mind is willing...but my body won't follow!

I got this killer package from a woman in California that administrates the website on Flikr called "I'm too sexy for my Hair". Her name is Lori Miller and she is a cancer survivor as well. She is so inspiring. She sent me some Burt's Bees stuff for hands and feet, some awesome slippers, and a personalized Voodoo Doll. It was so totally great! I could tell she has been through this treatment just by the package. The lotions helped so much with the sensitive skin and the slippers with the sores on my feet. Oh great wisdom of those who have passed before me!

My sister's family came by tonight to pick up my niece that stayed with us this week. We had a great time catching up and laughing. I just need to laugh sometimes about this crazy situation...or I would explode! We had a good time. It was so helpful to have McKenna help with the girls. I hope she wasn't bored out of her mind. Anyway, we appreciated her willingness to serve our family!

I need to get, yet, some more sleep...I have no control. When it hits, I go lay down. My body quits functioning whether I like it or not. So, off I go to bed! Goodnight!

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About Me

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Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
I am a 36 year old woman, married to a great guy, and together we have three beautiful daughters. I am a three and a half year breast cancer survivor. This past year I have become active in the cause of helping those who are batteling cancer!